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CICS Chair of Faculty James Allan Featured by Computer Research Association

James Allan
James Allan, CICS Chair of the Faculty

UMass Amherst College of Computer and Information Sciences Chair of Faculty and Computing Research Association (CRA) Board Member James Allan has recently been profiled by the Computer Research Association (CRA) in their February 2019 CRA Bulletin.

CRA aims to further innovation through cooperation with government, industry, and academia to enhance research and advance education in computing. CRA publishes an online Computer Research Newsletter ten times a year, each featuring one outstanding board member.

As co-director of the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval, Allan is continuing his nearly 30-year research program in Information Retrieval (IR), the science behind search engines and similar technology. His work focuses on how IR can support critical literacy by, among other ways, helping people identify the agenda of a text's author and a text's broader context.

Read the full feature on CRA's website here: https://cra.org/crn/2019/01/cra-board-member-highlight-james-allan/