Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Hung Le

Assistant Professor
332 CS Building


Algorithm design, theoretical computer science, combinatorial optimization, graph algorithms, metric embedding, distributed algorithms.


Professor Le has been focusing on designing algorithms for graph problems. He is particularly interested in understanding the power and limits of structures of graphs in algorithm design. His major contributions include efficient approximation algorithms for the Travelling Salesperson Problem, constructions of optimally sparse and light networks, and providing theoretical guarantees for local search heuristics.

Research Centers & Labs: 


PhD in computer science, Oregon State University (2018),  BS in computer science (honors program), Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Professor Le will join the College of Information and Computer Sciences of the University of Massachusetts Amherst as an Assistant Professor in September 2020. He currently is a Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Victoria, Canada.

Activities & Awards

Professor Le was awarded PIMS postdoctoral fellowship. He co-chaired the SIAM Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms (SOSA21). He has served as a reviewer for major conferences and journals in theoretical computer science.