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2019 Outstanding Achievement & Advocacy Awards

11th Annual Outstanding Achievement and Advocacy Awards Banquet
Friday, April 5, 2019, 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Old Chapel, UMass Amherst

The College of Information and Computer Sciences established the Outstanding Achievement and Advocacy (OAA) Award program in 2009 to recognize the remarkable accomplishments of computer science graduates and acknowledge the support of important friends of the college.

This year, we will also be honoring our scholarship, fellowship, and graduate award recipients as a group during the banquet. We are proud of our students’ achievements and grateful for the impact our donors are having on the next generation of talented computer scientists.

2019 OAA Award Recipients

  • Computing for the Common Good Award 
    Helen Gigley (MS '69, PhD '82)
    Helen Gigley (MS '69, PhD '82)
    For a groundbreaking career dedicated to education and public service, beginning in the 1960s and spanning over 50 years, with a focus on research in computational neurolinguistics.

  • Outstanding Achievement in Research
    Matthew B. Dwyer (PhD '95)
    Matthew B. Dwyer (PhD '95)
    For outstanding achievement and contributions in research, with a focus on the application of formal reasoning frameworks.

  • Outstanding Achievement in Education
    Panos Kypros Chrysanthis (MS '86, PhD '91)
    Panos K. Chrysanthis (MS '86, PhD '91)
    For excellence in classroom teaching and the mentorship of students, and significant contributions to the field of data management.

  • Outstanding Achievement in Entrepreneurship
    Arvind Nithrakashyap (MS '97)
    Arvind Nithrakashyap (MS '97)
    For outstanding innovation and leadership in the creation of database and cloud data management platforms.

  • Outstanding Achievement in Management
    Paul Scorza (BS '81)
    Paul Scorza (BS '81)
    For sustained excellence in information technology management, with a focus on scalable solution systems.

  • Outstanding Achievement in Management
    Quentin Clark (BS '94)
    Quentin Clark (BS '94)
    For outstanding vision, strategy, and execution in the leadership of large-scale data products.

  • Outstanding Achievement by a Young Alum
    Jay M. Wong (BS '14, MS '16)
    Jay M. Wong (BS '14, MS '16)
    For extraordinary contributions at an early stage of his career to the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence.

2019 OAA Award recipient bios

See past OAA award recipients

Call for Nominations

Nominations for 2020 are now being accepted by email (alumni [at] cs.umass.edu).