Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Undergraduate Independent Study Information

COMPUTER SCIENCE IndepeNdent Studies

NOTE: CS Majors must have completed at least 3 COMPSCI 200-level core courses in order to be considered for enrollment in an Independent Study.

An Independent Study course is intended to supplement our regular course offerings by providing students an opportunity to work one-on-one with a CS faculty member to complete an in-depth examination on topics not available through the regular curriculum.

Students interested in an independent study are required to discuss their proposed independent study with a computer science faculty member prior to submitting the Independent Study Proposal Form.  Follow the instructions below:

  1. Discuss your independent study with your faculty member (including course level and number of credits. Ex. COMPSCI 396, 3 credits)
  2. Submit the Undergraduate Independent Study Proposal Form (link below) and Detailed Proposal
    • Complete all fields in the form (Descriptive Title, Statement of Objectives, Planned Activities and Criteria for Evaluation).
    • Email a 1-2 page detailed description of your Independent Study Proposal in PDF form for UPD review. The UPD will also determine if the independent study may count towards a CS Elective for the BA/BS CS major, subject to eligibility rules.
  3. Once completed, the form will be routed to your faculty member to review.
  4. Once the faculty member approves, the form will be routed to the Undergraduate Programs Assistant, the Undergraduate Programs Manager and the Undergraduate Programs Director (UPD) for approval.
  5. Once approved, an Undergraduate Programs Assistant will enroll you in the course on SPIRE and notify you via your UMass email if it has been approved as a CS Elective.

If you have any questions or concerns, email overrides@cs.umass.edu


INFOrmatics independent studies

NOTE: Informatics Majors must have completed CICS 160 (formerly COMPSCI 186) and achieved Sophomore status in order to be considered for enrollment in an Independent Study.

An Independent Study course is intended to supplement our regular course offerings by providing students an opportunity to work one-on-one with a CICS faculty member to complete an in-depth examination on topics not available through the regular curriculum.

Students interested in an independent study are required to discuss their proposed independent study with a CICS faculty member prior to requesting the Independent Study Proposal Form.  Follow the instructions below:

  1. Discuss your independent study with your faculty member (including course level and number of credits. For example: INFO 396, 3 credits)
  2. Submit the Undergraduate Independent Study Proposal Form (link below)
    • Complete all fields in the form (Descriptive Title, Statement of Objectives, Planned Activities, Criteria for Evaluation, Interdisciplinary Study statement).
  3. Once submitted, the form will be routed to your faculty member to review/edit. 
  4. Once the faculty member approves, the form will be routed to the Informatics Undergraduate Program Director (IPD) for approval. The IPD will also determine if the independent study may count as an Informatics Elective for the Informatics major, subject to eligibility rules.
  5. Once approved, an Undergraduate Programs Assistant will enroll you in the course on SPIRE and notify you via your UMass email if it has been approved as an Informatics Elective.

If you have any questions or concerns, email overrides@cics.umass.edu



This form may be used by Informatics and Computer Science undergraduate students.

Undergrad Proposal Form