Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Events Calendar

25 Jan
PhD Dissertation Proposal Defense
Thursday, 01/25/2024 9:00am to 10:30am

Besides the communication function, wireless signals, such as WiFi, Bluetooth and UWB, are recently exploited for sensing purposes. However, designing a wireless sensing system that provides truly pervasive coverage at...

25 Jan
Career Development
Athletic Center, Mount Ida Campus, Newton MA
Thursday, 01/25/2024 2:00pm to 5:00pm

Looking for an Internship or Co-op? Want to work for a Boston area company?

Boston area employers representing a variety of industries will be hiring summer interns at the Boston Area Employers Internship...

25 Jan
Career Development
Athletic Center, Mount Ida Campus, Newton MA
Thursday, 01/25/2024 2:00pm to 5:00pm

Join us for a winter break event at UMass Mount Ida Campus in Newton, MA on January 25th at 4 pm. You will have the opportunity to hear from alumni from Manning CICS and the College of Engineering working in the industry...