Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Events Calendar

25 Feb
Diversity & Inclusion
Virtual via Zoom
Thursday, 02/25/2021 11:45am to 12:45pm

Come listen to the experiences shared by a member of our CICS community in the latest installment of the (Our)story series, where CICS community members share stories about their personal or professional journeys, culture...

25 Feb
Machine Learning and Friends Lunch
Virtual via Zoom
Thursday, 02/25/2021 11:45am to 1:15pm

Title: Some Recent Insights on Transfer-Learning

Abstract: A common situation in Machine Learning is one where training data is not fully representative of a target population due to bias in the sampling mechanism...

25 Feb
PhD Thesis Defense
Zoom Meeting
Thursday, 02/25/2021 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/3121059762?pwd=OE8vTkdjMDN5dnJpSHFlbjdHeENsUT09
Meeting ID: 312 105 9762
Passcode: 56Xu7a


Cloud wide-area networks (WANs) play a key role in enabling...