Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Your Role in Building a Student Success Story

09 Feb
Tuesday, 02/09/2021 11:45am to 12:45pm
Virtual via Zoom
Diversity & Inclusion

As a faculty member in CICS, you have a major role in a students' success story. The office of Disability Services would like to support you. Working collaboratively with the Office of Disability Services will provide a network of support for CICS students, decrease stressors for faculty, help students feel a sense of belonging and increase student graduation rates.

Our goal is to provide you with:

  • Quick ideas you can immediately begin implementing into your classroom to support inclusive learning environments for students
  • Resources that can be utilized when working with students in distress
  • Guidance and knowledge that will explain how UMass Disability Services supports you and students' success
  • Information about assistive technologies in an online and in-person environment.
  • Information about ADA accommodations and academic adjustments
