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Theory Seminar: Yair Zick

15 Sep
Tuesday, 09/15/2020 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Virtual via Zoom
Theory Seminar
Speaker: Yair Zick

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Title: On the Privacy Risks of Model Explanations.

Abstract: Privacy and transparency are two key elements of trustworthy machine learning. Model explanations can provide more insight into a model's decisions on input data. This, however, can impose a significant privacy risk to the model's training set. We analyze whether an adversary can exploit model explanations to infer sensitive information about the model's training set. We investigate this research problem primarily using membership inference attacks: inferring whether a data point belongs to the training set of a model given its explanations. We study this problem for three popular types of model explanations: backpropagation-based, perturbation-based and example-based attribution methods. We devise membership inference attacks based on these model explanations, and extensively test them on a variety of datasets. We show that both backpropagation- and example-based explanations can leak a significant amount of information about individual data points in the training set. More importantly, we design reconstruction attacks against example-based model explanations, and use them to recover significant parts of the training set. Finally, we discuss the resistance of perturbation-based attribution methods to existing attack models; interestingly, their resistance to such attacks is related to a crucial shortcoming of such model explanations uncovered by recent works.