Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Responsible Technology Coalition General Body Meeting

06 Oct
Thursday, 10/06/2022 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Computer Science Building, Room 150/151
Student-Run Event

The Responsible Technology Coalition (RTC) is a new, interdisciplinary organization of students who are committed to seeing that technology is ethical and accountable. RTC was founded in 2022 by Michelle Ciccone, Colette Basiliere, and Kevin Zheng. By collaborating with people from diverse industries and backgrounds, RTC comes together to emphasize technology's impact on society. The coalition is dedicated to the advancement of dialogue, policy, and practice around responsible technology at UMass and society at large. 

Graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in this topic are encouraged to attend this first, in-person meeting of the group. 

Pizza and drinks will be provided!