Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Departmental Honors Information Session and Q & A

16 Sep
Friday, 09/16/2022 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Computer Science Building, Room 150/151, Zoom
Undergraduate Event
Speaker: Philip Thomas

We will be holding an information session and Q&A regarding the departmental honors and honors thesis program in two weeks on Friday September 16 from 5:00pm-6:00pm in the CS Building Room 150/151. 

Students who have primary majors in CICS and who are already part of the honors college are initially on the "multidisciplinary honors" track, and can apply to switch to the "departmental honors" track. This information session will cover the differences between multidisciplinary and departmental honors, as well as the entire process from applying to departmental honors and finding a research adviser through completing an honors thesis. Though this is primarily useful for students who have already been admitted to the honors college (CHC), the information session will also be useful for students considering applying to CHC (to learn about the multidisciplinary and departmental honors tracks) and students who are not interested in the honors program but who are interested in conducting an honors thesis.

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