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Introduction to Hash Tables

08 Dec
Friday, 12/08/2023 10:00am to 11:00am
Computer Science Building, Room 150
Teaching Discussion
Speaker: Hammad Ahmad

Abstract: Have you wondered how arithmetic can be used to store and retrieve data efficiently? Hash tables are an associative data structure widely used in software systems due to their ability to provide fast insert, lookup, and delete operations. In this talk, we introduce the fundamental concepts of hashing and hash tables by working through a running example. This talk is aimed at students who have previously seen arrays, linked data structures, and asymptotic analysis (big-O).

Bio: Hammad Ahmad is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan. His research interests broadly span software engineering and human cognition. He is particularly interested in using the cognitive basis of programming to enhance tool support for developers and explore more effective methods for teaching Computer Science. He has previously taught several CS courses across two institutions, and received a departmental Outstanding Teaching Award in Winter 2021. He holds an M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Michigan, and a B.S. in Computer Science from Washington and Lee University. During his free time, he enjoys soccer, video games, and portrait photography.

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