Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

UMass Women in Informatics and Computer Science (WiCS) Weekly Meeting: Meet a WiCS Alum

14 Nov
Tuesday, 11/14/2023 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Lederle Graduate Research Center, Room A104A (Makerspace)
Undergraduate Event
Speaker: Arianna Kazemi

Women in Informatics and Computer Science (WiCS) focuses on uplifting women and non-binary students in the Manning CICS by creating a community focused on career success, specifically through our events. These include casual get-togethers, recruitment opportunities, and workshops geared towards advancing career skills.

Arianna Kazemi graduated with a dual degree in biochemistry + molecular biology and informatics from UMass! She is currently working towards completing her master's but was a software engineer at J.P. Morgan, specifically a Big Data engineer focusing on cloud migration and uplifting!