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Question Answering by Case-Based Reasoning with Textual Evidence

20 Apr
Thursday, 04/20/2023 1:00pm to 3:00pm
PhD Dissertation Proposal Defense
Speaker: June Thai

Recent years have witnessed impressive progress in question answering thanks in part to advances in neural methods for machine reading comprehension (MRC). Despite their successes, the prediction mechanism of these models are largely opaque to humans, limiting their reliability and maintainability in real-world scenarios. In this thesis, we explore the case-based reasoning approach to improve accuracy, efficiency, interpretability and controllability of neural machine readers. Case-based reasoning (CBR) works by retrieving past problems similar to the current one and reusing their solutions to address the new problem. For the question-answering setting, we consider a case to be a question-answer pair with its supporting passages.

We first approach the task of Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC), in which the answer-supporting passage is already given. We propose a CBR reader with a reuse step that represents solutions of past cases by their contextualized answer embeddings and performs cosine-similarity search over candidate spans of the current context. We show that past cases can be used to infer and interpret new ones, resulting in both fast, accurate inferences and highly interpretable predictions.

Second, we extend the proposed CBR reader to the full end-to-end open-domain question answering where the answer-supporting passages must be retrieved. Here we demonstrate significant advantages in the time- and space-efficiency of our method on open-domain question answering (ODQA), made possible by using pre-computed contextualized token-embeddings in answer passages--all without losing accuracy with respect to traditional parametric machine readers. However, we observe that the precision of the proposed CBR reader deteriorates in the presence of irrelevant passages introduced by the retriever. To address this problem, we will explore representation learning strategies for past case solutions. We will also study the effects of similar cases on a prediction and describe how a misprediction can be fixed by adding cases, without the need to alter parameters. We plan to empirically verify our intuition that by using similar past cases our improved CBR algorithm can achieve high accuracy, fast inference, whilst being more interpretable and controllable.

Advisor: Andrew McCallum

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