Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

DeCoding CICS - Social

CICS has a variety of academic and social clubs and activities. We are highlighting just a few. To see more CICS clubs, head over to CICS Student Organizations. And if you want to find university wide social groups and activities, from gospel singing to parkour, check out the Campus Pulse and the Rec Center.

SLACK Communities within CICS

All Grad Students- MS, MS/PhD, PhD Students- cics-grads.slack.com

CICS Careers SLACK-  cicscareercommunity.slack.com  

CICS Theory Slack- https://join.slack.com/t/umass-theory/shared_invite/zt-n232hxtz-0twyb4jrYkaoDHM6GIdcqw

HackHer413 Slack

CICS Instagram


Humans of CICS


#freshCICS is a social group for first-year students in CICS that provides support, collaboration, community, and mentoring from peers and second-year students. It's a great way to get involved, make friends, and have fun. 


HackHer413 is the first all-women and non-binary student 24-hour hackathon in Western Massachusetts taking place annually at UMass Amherst. The student-organized and run event welcomes 350 participants from New England and beyond. The principal goals of the event are to create a welcoming hacking environment, celebrate first-time hackers, and encourage women from any major or career interest to explore computer science. Join us as a participant or get involved further by joining the organizing team!


Women in Informatics and Computer Science at UMass Amherst (WiCS @ UMass Amherst) is a student organization run by undergraduate members of the College of Information and Computer Sciences. It was established as a complement to the graduate women in computing group and aims to foster a stronger bond between all female and non-binary members of the CICS community. Through bonding activities, workshops and various other activities, we create a safe space for minorities in computing to develop and grow together.


The CS Women's Group serves and supports the women faculty and graduate students in the College of Information and Computer Sciences and promotes the representation and interests of women in computing. The group's focus is on community building--members work closely with CICS faculty and staff to provide programs and services for female-identified students and organize social events, lectures, and other professional activities that are open to all students in the college. 


B[U]ILT is a student organization fighting for racial equity in the tech industry and in academia. We aim to provide individuals of said races and their allies with what is needed to advocate for and achieve racial equality in tech. In the past, we have moved towards this goal through things like career events, community discussions, and talks with industry professionals.


CICS Pride serves and supports LGBTQIA community of the College of Information and Computer Sciences, and promotes an inclusive learning environment in computing. The group's focus is on community building and social activities. All students, faculty, and staff members, regardless of gender and sexual orientation, are welcome to join the group and attend events. 


Sponsored by CICS, UMass Amherst's annual 36-hour hackathon, HackUMass,  is organized and run completely by students. Students from across campus come together to put on one of New England's largest events for makers -- in 2016 over 600 hackers from the region participated. Be on the lookout for ways you can get involved. 

Graduate Student Groups Beyond CICS

There are over 20 graduate student groups consisting of graduate students all across the UMass Campus.
