Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

DeCoding CICS - Need Help?

Below are some of the academic, career & internship, and computer & technology resources available to undergraduate and graduate students through the College of Information and Computer Science in addition to this sourcebook itself. If you can't find the help you need here, try this UMass one-stop resource for all students.  

If you need immediate help related to your physical or mental well-being, please go here: UMass Crisis Intervention Information.

Academic Help

CICS Advising

The CICS Advising Staff are available to advise undergraduates and graduate students on academics, course registration, career resources, and other matters. If you have a question or just need guidance, or if you are unsure who to reach out to about something, contact CICS Advising and they would be happy to help!

Undergraduate Peer Advising

If you are looking for an answer to a quick question, want to know more about what to expect in a course, want to find out about the process for changing your major into Computer Science or adding a CS Minor, see a CS peer advisor. Peer Advisors are highly accomplished junior and senior CS majors, some of whom are double majoring with CS.

For questions about the Informatics major, the application process, choosing electives, identifying ways to get involved on campus, student organizations related to data science/informatics or general questions about informatics and study abroad, visit one of our fabulous Informatics Peer Advisors. Peer advisors are accomplished Informatics juniors and seniors who hold drop-in hours during the regular semester.

CICS Writing Center

The Writing Center provides 1:1 conferencing for all academic writing as well as for professional and technical writing. Whether a student is trying to understand an assignment from a first-year writing class or fine-tuning a grant proposal, support is available for students wherever they are in the writing process. Open to all undergraduate and graduate students in CICS.

Career & Internship Help

CICS Careers

CICS Careers coach undergraduate & graduate students as well as alumni to explore professional experiences. They provide interview prep, resume reviews, career exploration guidance and more. Join the CICS Careers Slack to connect with the Careers team and to stay up to date on career opportunities.

Computer and Technology Help

Computer Science Computing Facility (CSCF)

The CSCF maintains over 1000 CICS computers, printing facilities, and the CICS WiFi network. They also handle the Gypsum and Swarm2 compute clusters that are available for research needs and the EdLab systems that are reserved for coursework.

The internal computing facility webpages (requires a CICS login) provide extensive information about changing passwords, accessing computing resources and printing services, reserving campus facilities, and other useful information for CICS graduate students, faculty, and staff.