On-Campus Diversity and Inclusion Student Organizations Massenberg Summer STEM Program Awards Programs Senior Celebration
Current Undergraduate Students Current Graduate Students Faculty and Staff Newly Accepted Undergraduate Students
Filters By last name All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Filter by keyword Research area Artificial IntelligenceComputational Biology and BioinformaticsData ManagementElectronic TeachingHealth InformaticsHuman Language TechnologiesHuman-Computer InteractionsInformation VisualizationMachine LearningMobile and Sensor SystemsNetworking and Distributed SystemsQuantum Information SystemsRobotics, Computer Vision, and GraphicsSecurity and PrivacySoftware Systems and ArchitectureTheoretical Computer Science Profile type StaffAdjunct FacultyAdvisory BoardEmeritus FacultyFacultyGraduate studentsIn MemoriamResearch Scientists & FellowsStudent Employee 11 results for Image Karren Sacco Research Administrator ksacco@cs.umass.edu (413) 577-0292 LGRC A253 Image Michelle Scheier Advising Center Coordinator mscheier@umass.edu LGRC A114 Image Michael Schwendenmann Director of Finance mschwendenma@cs.umass.edu (413) 545-3531 LGRC A125D Image Priscilla Scott Grants and Contracts Coordinator priscill@cs.umass.edu (413) 545-3733 CS Building 320 Image Kerry Shaw Assistant Dean of Communications & Marketing kshaw@cics.umass.edu (413) 545-4878 LGRC A125B Image Paul Sihvonen-Binder Software Specialist pbinder@cs.umass.edu (413) 545-4317 CS Building 126 Image Kyle Skemer Graduate Programs Assistant kskemer@cics.umass.edu (413) 545-9444 CS Building 100 Image Jae Southerland Undergraduate Programs Assistant jsoutherland@cics.umass.edu (413) 545-3640 CS Building 100 Image Liana Stanton Academic Programs Office Coordinator lestanton@cics.umass.edu (413) 545-2744 CS Building 100 Image Pamela Stawasz Assistant Director of Undergraduate Academic Advising & Recruitment pstawasz@cics.umass.edu (413) 545-4822 LGRC A114K Image Julie Stubbs Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships stubbs@cics.umass.edu 413-834-0962 LGRC A125F