On-Campus Diversity and Inclusion Student Organizations Massenberg Summer STEM Program Awards Programs Senior Celebration
Current Undergraduate Students Current Graduate Students Faculty and Staff Newly Accepted Undergraduate Students
Filters By last name All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Filter by keyword Research area Artificial IntelligenceComputational Biology and BioinformaticsData ManagementElectronic TeachingHealth InformaticsHuman Language TechnologiesHuman-Computer InteractionsInformation VisualizationMachine LearningMobile and Sensor SystemsNetworking and Distributed SystemsQuantum Information SystemsRobotics, Computer Vision, and GraphicsSecurity and PrivacySoftware Systems and ArchitectureTheoretical Computer Science Profile type StaffAdjunct FacultyAdvisory BoardEmeritus FacultyFacultyGraduate studentsIn MemoriamResearch Scientists & FellowsStudent Employee 6 results for Image Asha Rani Research Administrator arani@umass.edu (413) 545-1220 CS Building 212 Image Ian Raphael Associate Dean, Finance and Administration iraphael@umass.edu 413-545-5261 LGRC A125C Image Suzanne Rataj Administrative Manager - Massachusetts AI and Technology Center for Connected Care in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease srataj@umass.edu LGRC A251A Image Michele Roberts Grants and Contracts Coordinator michele@cs.umass.edu (413) 545-4389 CS Building 300 Image Samuel Ruhmkorff Senior Academic Advisor sruhmkorff@cics.umass.edu LGRC A114F Image Victoria Rupp Assistant to the Dean vrupp@cics.umass.edu (413) 545-2572 LGRC A125