CICS Announces the Hiring of Four New Faculty in 2024
The Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) at UMass Amherst announces the appointment of four new tenure-track and teaching faculty in 2024.
In addition to these new hires, Eugene Bagdasaryan, who was hired in 2023 as an assistant professor with a focus on security, arrived on campus in July.
“On behalf of our CICS community, I am excited to welcome our new faculty to campus,” says Laura Haas, dean of the college. “Their diverse expertise augments our world-class student instruction and research programs and helps us continue to build an institution dedicated to computing for the common good.”
These incoming faculty members will bring the college’s cohort of tenure-stream and teaching faculty to 89. Of the college’s current and emeritus faculty, 20 are ACM Fellows, 11 are IEEE Fellows, and 39 are NSF CAREER Award winners.

Hedyeh Beyhaghi, Assistant Professor
Starting Fall 2024
Hedyeh Beyhaghi is a postdoctoral research associate in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, having previously worked as a postdoctoral research fellow for Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago and Northwestern University. Her research interests are in algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, machine learning theory, and algorithms under uncertainty. She received her doctorate and master’s in computer science from Cornell University and her bachelor’s from Sharif University of Technology, Iran.

Nikko Bovornkeeratiroj, Teaching Faculty
Starting Fall 2024
Phuthipong “Nikko” Bovornkeeratiroj is a doctoral candidate in computer science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, expecting to finish in 2024. His research interests include smart grids, smart buildings, and renewable energy, with emphasis on sustainability, privacy, and fairness. He received his master's and bachelor’s degrees in computer science from Chulalongkorn University and Assumption University, Thailand.

Madeline Endres, Assistant Professor
Software Engineering
Starting Spring 2025
Madeline Endres is a final-year computer science doctoral student at the University of Michigan. Her research interests are in exploring programmer productivity and wellbeing, leveraging approaches from psychology and medicine to address human-factored software engineering problems. She received a distinguished paper award from the ACM’s ESEC/FSE conference on software engineering in 2023. She received dual bachelor’s degrees in computer science and cello performance from the University of Michigan in 2018.

Emily Nutwell, Teaching Faculty & PIT Pathways Director
Started Summer 2024
Emily Nutwell, who started in July, was previously director of the master’s program in translational data analytics at The Ohio State University (OSU), an in-career program serving working professionals in diverse fields. In 2019, she won the best paper award from the American Society for Engineering Education’s Continuing Professional Development Division. She received her master’s in educational studies from OSU, and bachelor’s in mechanical engineering from Grove City College in Pennsylvania.