Applications Open for 2024-25 Public Interest Technology Faculty Fellowship

Public Interest Technology at UMass (PIT@UMass) has announced that applications are open for its 2024-25 Faculty Fellowship Program, which will focus on developing capstone courses and experiential learning opportunities eligible for inclusion in the Public Interest Technology (PIT) Undergraduate Certificate.
Full-time UMass Amherst faculty members, both tenure and non-tenure track and from all schools and colleges, are invited to apply. Those selected for the fellowship will receive up to $6,000 for course development or related support, which can be spent between June 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.
PIT focuses on the development and realization of socially responsible solutions to the challenges of a technology-driven world. It serves as a critical foundation for 21st century education for people who create – and for those who work with – technologies.
PIT@UMass is an initiative to build PIT content, community, skills, and expertise throughout the UMass Amherst campus. As part of the 2024-25 fellowship program, PIT@UMass will partner with the Center for Teaching and Learning and the IT Program to provide opportunity and resources for faculty to build content, engage with one another and the broader PIT community, and work with them on their efforts.
Deadline for applications is Thursday, April 4. For more information and to apply, visit the Public Interest Technology website or the 2024-25 Faculty Fellowship Program web page. For questions, email Donna Baron, PIT executive director, at dbaron [at] umass [dot] edu (dbaron[at]umass[dot]edu).
This article was originally published by the UMass Amherst Office of News & Media Relations.