CICS Makerspace

Located on the UMass Amherst campus in the Lederle Graduate Research Lowrise (LGRC) room A104, the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) Makerspace provides a place for all CICS community members—students, faculty, and staff—to experiment and create with access to tools, additive and subtractive fabrication machines, and material.
The makerspace provides a positive place to work on projects, learn and practice skills, or collaborate on something new. Facilities are available for:
- Soldering
- Hand tools
- 3D printing
- Power tools
- DIY electronics
- Microcontrollers
- Surface mount production
- Laser engraving and cutting
For work hours and more information about the space, visit the CICS Makerspace website or stop by LGRC A104.