Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

MS Advising Appointment Request

Please submit the Request Appointment form at least 24 hours in advance.   Please, provide multiple days and times for meeting options. All appointments will be confirmed via email with the appointment date & time. 

Requests will be processed during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Thank you!

What day(s) is most convenient for you to meet with the advisor?
Available times are 9:00 am- 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, in Eastern Standard Time. There are no advising appointments available on weekends or holidays. Please list multiple options, or a range of times, when you are available. If you are unable to outside business hours, please email Elizabeth directly, eparolski@umass.edu, or set up a meeting that will work better for you.

All appointments will be confirmed via email with appointment date & time.  Requests will be processed during normal business hours.

Please enter any questions you have, as well as your contact information so we can get in touch!