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Lee, Oubre, Jung Author Featured Article in March 2020 IEEE Transactions Journal

Illustration of a stroke in a human brain

A paper from UMass Amherst College of Information and Computer Sciences researchers led by Assistant Professor Sunghoon Ivan Lee and including doctoral student Brandon Oubre, postdoctoral researcher Hee-Tae Jung, and alumna Kallie Whritenour ‘19MS has been chosen as the featured article of the March 2020 IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering.

In the paper, “Estimating Upper-Limb Impairment Level in Stroke Survivors using Wearable Inertial Sensors and a Minimally-Burdensome Motor Tasks,” the researchers outline a new tool to assess upper-limb paresis (impairment) in stroke survivors that promises to be easier to use than current methods for both patients and caregivers. The tool uses two sensors, one worn on the wrist and one worn on the sternum, and a simple motor task to be accomplished in 1–2 minutes.

The project is part of a series of mobile health initiatives involving novel sensors and remote monitoring systems emerging from the AHHA Lab, which is led by principal investigator Lee. Learn more about the AHHA Lab at ahhalab.org.