Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

Prashant Shenoy

Associate Dean of Computing and Facilities & Distinguished Professor
(413) 545-9025


Distributed systems, networking, and sustainability.


Professor Shenoy's research focuses on systems issues for distributed systems ranging from large server clusters to networks of small sensors. Current research projects in his lab include (i) cloud and edge computing, (ii) mobile computing and Internet of Things, and (iii) energy and sustainability. 


Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin (1998), M.S. Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin (1994), B.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (1993). Professor Shenoy has been on the faculty of the University of Massachusetts Amherst since 1998, where he is currently a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science. He heads the Laboratory for Advanced Systems Software at UMass Amherst and directs the Center for Smart and Connected Society.

Activities & Awards

Prof. Shenoy's research has won seventeen best paper or best paper runner-up awards, and an ACM Sigmetrics Test of Time award. He has been the recipient of a Conti Research Fellowship,  NASA AES Innovation award,  NSF Career Award, IBM Faculty Partnership Award, Google Faculty award, a Lilly Foundation Teaching Fellowship, the Univ. of Texas Computer Science Best Dissertation Award, and an IIT Bombay Silver Medal. He is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, and AAAS.