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Understanding of visual domains via the lens of natural language

24 Aug
Tuesday, 08/24/2021 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Virtual via Zoom
PhD Thesis Defense
Speaker: Chenyun Wu

Abstract: A joint understanding of vision and language can enable intelligent systems to perceive, act, and communicate with humans for a wide range of applications. For example, they can assist a human to navigate in an environment, edit the content of an image through natural language commands, or search through image collections using natural language queries. In this thesis, we aim to improve our understanding of visual domains through the lens of natural language. We specifically look into (1) images of categories within a fine-grained taxonomy such as species of birds or variants of aircraft, (2) images of textures that describe local color, shape, and patterns, and (3) regions in images that correspond to objects, materials, and textures.

In one line of work, we investigate ways to discover a domain-specific language by asking annotators to describe visual differences between instances within a fine-grained taxonomy. We show that a system trained to describe these differences leads to an accurate and interpretable basis for categorization. In another line of work, we investigate the effectiveness of language and vision models for describing textures, a problem despite the ubiquity of textures that has not been sufficiently studied in the literature. Textures are diverse, yet their local nature allows for the description of the appearance of a wide range of visual categories. The locality also allows us to systematically generate synthetic variations to investigate how disentangled visual representations are for properties such as shape, color, and figure-ground segmentation. Finally, instead of modeling an image as a whole, we design a system that allows descriptions of regions within an image. A challenge is to handle the long-tail distribution names and appearances of concepts within natural scenes. We design a modular framework that integrates object detection, semantic segmentation, and contextual reasoning with language that leads to better performance. In addition to methods and analysis, we contribute datasets and benchmarks to evaluate the performance of models in each of these domains.

The availability of large-scale pre-trained models for vision (e.g., ResNet) and language (e.g., BERT) have catalyzed improvements and novel applications in computer vision and natural language processing, but until recently similar models that could jointly reason about language and vision were not available. This has changed through the availability of models such as CLIP, which have been trained on a massive number of images with associated texts. Therefore, we analyze the effectiveness of CLIP-based representations for tasks posed in our earlier work. By comparing and contrasting these with domain-specific ones we presented in the earlier chapters, we shed some light on the nature of the learned representations and the biases they encode.

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