Faculty Recruiting Support CICS

UMass CTF 2022

01 Apr
Friday, 04/01/2022 5:00pm to Sunday, 04/03/2022 5:00pm
Special Event

Come practice your ethical hacking and cybersecurity skills in our second annual public Capture-The-Flag competition! This will be a weekend long, online event where you can earn points by solving hand-crafted security challenges.

Challenge categories include: Binary Exploitation, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, Web Exploits, and more.

There will be hundreds of dollars in prizes for participants with special prizes only for UMass students aswell.

We encourage beginners and experts alike to participate, either in teams or as individuals. However, teams of greater than 5 won't be eligible to win prizes.


Join the UMassCTF 2022 discord here: https://discord.gg/emzRfMP6ef
View the CTFtime event page: https://ctftime.org/event/1561

UMass Cybersecurity Club