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Machine Learning and Friends Lunch (Online)

03 Mar
Thursday, 03/03/2022 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Virtual via Zoom
Machine Learning and Friends Lunch
Speaker: Colin Raffel

Title: A call to build models like we build open-source software

Abstract: Large pre-trained models have become a cornerstone of modern ML pipelines thanks to the fact that they facilitate improved performance with less labeled data on downstream tasks. However, these models are typically created by a resource-rich research group that unilaterally decides how a given model should be built, trained, and released, after which point it is left as-is until a better pre-trained model comes along to completely supplant it. In contrast, open-source development has proven that it is possible for a distributed community of contributors to work together to iteratively build complex and widely-used software. This kind of large-scale distributed collaboration is made possible through a mature set of tools including version control, continuous integration, merging, and more. In this talk, I will present a vision for building machine learning models in the way that open-source software is developed, including preliminary work from my lab on "merging" and "patching" models. I will also give some insight into the future work required to make this vision a reality.

Bio: Colin Raffel is an assistant professor at UNC Chapel Hill. He also spends one day a week as a faculty researcher at Hugging Face.

To obtain the Zoom link for this event, please see the event announcements from MLFL on the college email lists or contact wenlongzhao [at] cs.umass.edu (subject: MLFL%20Zoom%20Link) (Wenlong Zhao).
